The most of time celebrities have used to share their most perfect photographs with the media. Just by watching, we can say how perfect they are. As most of them admit, the exclusive outfits, top-level makeup artists, and branded beauty products have made most of the looks perfect. Not only that, but also they may use photo editors to make their clicks more natural. It does not just click in seconds.
By the way, some of the celebrities around the world do not even hesitate to share their natural look with their fans. It has become a trend that no makeup and no filter challenges among celebs nowadays. Here we got some of the celebs who were not shy to share their natural look without filters. It is time to compare them with their professional photographs. Before we looking always remember that make-up can give you only a look. It is not permanent and you can’t wear it all your life long. Appreciate and believe in your natural beauty. The real one is inside you. Not behind your make-up.
Sharon Stone

Jennifer Lopez

Charlize Theron

Kate Hudson

Julia Roberts

Salma Hayek

Julianne Moore

Milla Jovovich

Michelle Pfeiffer

Nicole Kidman

Reese Witherspoon

Cameron Diaz

Halle Berry

Blake Lively

Jennifer Aniston

Natalia Oreiro

Which photos cause more pleasant emotions in you? Professional ones that look perfect or live and sincere homemade selfies?