Rescuers in Vintage Pet Rescue were not sure about how to comfort Bill when he arrives there. He was not just a 10-year-old pup, he is also blind. He needed to be held all the time.
They knew what to do next! Here comes FARC! The life-sized human dummy!

FARC was officially born out of necessity when the rescue owners Kristen and Marc Peralta had to deal with their senior pug Shorty’s separation anxiety. Whenever Marc was gone, Shorty would become sad, missing his dad and worried about him. Then, Joanne McManus, Kristen’s mother came out with this idea! She is a real genius! Why can’t they put Marc’s shirts on a huge dummy? Yeah! For sure! It worked. They thought it would just be kind of a funny photo opportunity at first. But it worked and the dogs loved it.

Since then, whenever a pup at the shelter needs a little extra human attention FARC is there to rescue it. With his lovely plastic arms, FARC is ready to care for the dogs. He was the best way to keep bill calm when there was no one at the rescue to hold him in their hands.

They absolutely love to keep him on their hands all day. But it is always busy at the rescue. They have so many things to be done there. His happiness is everything! And he reacts the same way with FARC. He loves to be with FARC without doing anything.

After some weeks spent with FARC, Bill was finally adopted by a new family who can give him the care he needed. Now he gets all the love he deserved. Also, he is with someone who has plenty of time to keep him company. Here are our blessings to Bill for a happy and healthy life ahead!