These beautiful liger cubs, belonging to a lion and a tiger have set a record in the animal world. These liger cubs were born into a beautiful white tiger and to a white majestic lion.

The four cubs named, Sampson, Yeti, Apollo, and Odlin are very cute white ligers who seem like big kittens. When they grow they will be the biggest cats on the entire Earth.
There are about 1200 white tigers and more than 300 white color lions on the planet. They are actually not albinos. If you wonder about their white color, it’s a cause of color mutation.

Parents of these cubs are named, Saraswati and Ivory. The family lives in T.I.G.E.R. Sanctuary which is located in Myrtle Beach.
It is not the first time they had Liger’s birth in the sanctuary. Hercules, who is one of their Ligers is even considered the biggest tiger in the world. He weighs about 922 pounds. He is a sweet cat even he plays with his newborn nephews and his kind handlers.

The creator of these four amazing cubs Dr. Antle is even surprised by the quick growth of the unique ligers. Each day whenever he sees them it seems that they are doubled in size. Gaining a pound of weight each day is already something.
Yeti the biggest cub among them is also the most furious linger. He always wants to be at the center of everyone’s attention.

When he grows up probably he will be bigger than his uncle, Hercules. It is obvious that these animals are beautiful and precious for the whole animal world.