Saturday, July 20, 2024
HomeAnimalsThe cat who loves milk carton freshness seals

The cat who loves milk carton freshness seals

Ollie and Zero are brothers who were adopted together. But they have huge differences in their personalities.


Callie Samuels, the human mother of them says that Zero is definitely the trouble maker. He is the one who is always ready to play. Ollie is more of an angelic child. While Zero gets into trouble, Ollie sits back and watches with an innocent look on his face. He doesn’t make any mistakes.


Ollie’s personality is much calmer than Zero’s. except when it comes to freshness seals. It happened one day when Samuels pulled a freshness seal off a new carton of milk and casually tossed it to Ollie. She thought he might enjoy batting it around. But he had no idea that she was about to begin a lifelong obsession.


It was love at first sight. Ollie carried it around in his mouth, batted it across the floor, and played with it. Anytime she takes the milk out of the fridge, Ollie runs up meowing. She has to break the news that there won’t be a new freshness seal for him every single time. While Ollie loves getting new freshness seals and also keeps all of the old ones. He never parts with a freshness seal and loves growing his collection and storing them in the most random places. Under the couch cushions, on the bed, in Samuel’s shoes, you name it. It seems he is keeping them stored around the house in case he is ever in the mood to play with one at a given moment.


While Ollie is insanely addicted to freshness seals, Zero has never had any idea about that. He loves getting into trouble more than the next cat but freshness seals just aren’t his thing. He always gets confused about Ollie’s obsession.


Usually, when Ollie is playing with the freshness seal, Zero will just sit back and watch. If Zero even looks at Ollie while he is playing, he will growl and pick the freshness seal up in his mouth to guard it.


Even though Zero doesn’t really get it, he is not going to judge Ollie for his obsession. One makes trouble while the other one is obsessed with freshness seals. They respect their differences and no matter what, they love each other very much.


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