Human being outlives most animals. But there are still some exceptions, and tortoises are one of them. They are able to reach up to century ages!

Say hello to Jonathan! Now he is 190 years old giant tortoise, and currently the oldest living terrestrial animal in the entire world. He currently lives in the Islands of Saint Helena, Seychelles. He resides with the governor at the Plantation House is hatched back in 1832.

The most interesting thing about him is, even he has captured on camera more than a century ago. The first photo of Jonathan was taken in 1886. It is really awesome to ages have passed over him, but no impacts on its looking. Needless to say that the tortoise was around 54 years old when that photo was taken.

Jonathan is still full of energy and acts like a youngster. But the doctors have noticed some signs of aging from him. according to them, his sense of sight and smell is getting weaker. Therefore to keep his shape on Jonathan has a very strict diet. Dr. Hollins feeds him with special food with higher calories on a weekly basis he doesn’t eat enough grass anymore.

Watch the video below to see this adorable creature taking a bath: