Monday, February 10, 2025
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Little boy gets up in the middle of the night to sleep with his dog

Paige Knudtson adopts a 2-year-old boxer from a local rescue shortly after finding out that she was pregnant with her son Finn. She knew how gentle boxers can be as she had grown up with them. However, what she didn’t anticipate was how big of a part in her baby’s life Brutus the boxer would become.


In an interview, the mother had this to say about their dog: “Brutus is just a big teddy bear. He loves attention and loves to snuggle with people.” At 20 weeks, a scan revealed that Finn had a serious heart defect, and immediately after birth, the baby underwent several procedures until he was able to have open heart surgery.


Regarding this, the mother says: “We were extremely lucky to have found this out prior to his birth, or he would not be here with us today.” After 7 weeks in the hospital, and far less complications, Finn finally came home. When Brutus met his baby brother for the first time, the duo had an instantaneous connection. In her interview, Knudtson says: “Once we got home, it was as if Brutus just knew Finn needed some extra close monitoring, and he has been by his side ever since.”


The dog dotes on the baby, spending every moment together, from watching TV to eating and napping and even playing outside. Knudtson also goes on to say: “Brutus often curls up wherever Finn is sitting and follows him from room to room in our house. If Finn is sick, Brutus knows it and just stays right by Finn’s side or lays his head on Finn’s chest.” The dog does not like to be separated from the boy, even for a moment.


Until he’s allowed into the room, Brutus will scratch at the door to Finn’s room or pace outside it. The pair don’t even like being alone at night. When the boy was a baby, a protective Brutus slept on a rug in front of the crib. When Finn grew up and moved to a toddler bed, there are times when the two snuggle up to sleep.


According to Knudtson, she had this to say regarding the two snuggling up to sleep: “Finn just started sleeping in his ‘big boy bed’ a little over a month ago and that is when Brutus began crawling up and sleeping in Finn’s bed every night. It was as if he laid next to him to prevent him from rolling out of bed.” Brutus follows Finn everywhere, even if it’s a little less comfortable. Regarding this, the mom had this to say: “Finn then began climbing out of his bed and sleeping on his floor, so naturally Brutus began sleeping next to him there as well.”


The mom had recently moved Brutus’ dog bed to Finn’s room, and now, Finn snuggles up to Brutus in his dog bed rather than staying in his own. This sweet night-time routine was captured on a nanny cam recently, where when Brutus is sleeping on the floor, Finn grabbing his blanket, climbing out of his bed to snuggle up with his big brother.


However this gentle giant doesn’t mind his brother using him as a pillow, as long as he’s comfortable. Finn’s parents just expect to find their son curled up against Brutus in the morning. The mother also goes on to say: “Finn sleeps with Brutus all night, every night. Whether it’s in the dog bed, Finn’s bed or the floor — the two always sleep together.” Whatever said and done, Finn has found a protector and best friend in Brutus, and mamma Knudtson is excited to see both growing up together.


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