Anita Corrie Schellevis rescued a sweet cat from the streets 11 years ago and named him Cedric.

He was not a regular cat. He had some specialty. Not long after bringing Cedric home, Schellevis realized that Cedric is a special cat. He was not only an incredibly loving and caring pet; he was generally pretty conscientious too. He doesn’t touch or wreck anything in her home.

Schellevis quickly pointed out one notable exception. Cedric has decided to pour all of his clawing efforts into one place. It was a single banister at the top of the stairs.

It was 2012 when young Cedric first sank his claws into that once-pristine banister. No one could have guessed what exactly was in his mind. Even years later, he hasn’t stopped it. The banister is now unrecognizable.

Schellevis says he scratches at the post at least three or four times daily. He mostly does it when people come over to visit. He does it like a show-off thing. But Cedric acts like his work is a gift to the world.

However, Schellevis never tried to discourage her cat. He has done it from day one in her house. Even the banister has gotten significantly whittled down over the years Cedric has not yet decided to give his final touch to the artwork.

It has already taken 11 years for him, and still, the work is in progress.

Some might say that Cedric has destroyed the wooden banister with his claws. But it’s a lot of art! However, he may guess its beauty is in the eye of the beholder. And his owner has no worries about that for sure!

The only complaint Schellevis has is the slivers it makes. Other than that, she is okay with the artist and the artwork.