Meet Bailey! The sweet senior dog who knows about offering love to others comes as its own reward. When her owners rescued her, she was just a few years old, in 2007. Arthur and his family were happy to have her as their family. Prior to that, she had been used as a breeding dog. She was forced to give birth to babies.

Recently she proved that she is still a mother at heart. Now her loyalty is allowed to shine. It began a few months ago after their family moved to a home out in the countryside.

Shortly, Bailey’s family suspected that a feral cat was living in a ravine in the back of the house. They left out food but never spotted anyone. But Bailey was frequenting the backyard to check upon them.

What Bailey was up to wasn’t exactly clear. But one day, her family looked out the window and saw that their dog is not alone anymore.

Resting against Bailey’s warm body was the feral kitten. Bailey’s never befriended a feral animal before. It was showing how loving she is. She is always been extremely sweet. The family also decided to follow their dog’s lead. They too welcomed the little cat into their hearts. They named her Kitten-Kitten.

Kitten- the kitten is now living inside with the family. She follows Bailey around like a puppy. Now Bailey is a mom, not only a mom but to stay a mom for good.

Kitten-Kitten seems like loving being inside and interacting with everyone. Especially it’s mom, Bailey.

Bailey was finally able to fulfill her calling as a mom. In the end, her love for the feral cat turned out to be a lifesaver. Both of their hearts were healed.